Computer Science & Engineering MS
Application InstructionsRequirements
- 3.0 GPA
- 3 letters of recommendation
- GRE recommended
Bachelor’s Degree
- Computer Science/Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Application Deadline
February 1
August 1
The thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and independent research. By the
end of the program, you will have a written thesis and an oral presentation that defends
your original work and contribution to the field of study.
The non-thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and professional development.
There is no requirement for a thesis, project paper, or final exam. Learn the latest
advanced information and apply it to your work in the field.
Expand Your Horizons
Program CatalogPossible Industries
- Software Development
- Systems Architecture
- Medical Device Development
- Health Informatics
Career Outcomes
Alternative Energy Control SystemsAutonomous Intelligent Systems
Robotics and Automation
Edge and Fog Computing
Electrical System Design Engineer