
Certificate programs provide students with an excellent opportunity to continue their education, supplement their technical skills in a particular area, or provide value-added background to complement an undergraduate degree.  Certificate programs are available at both the undergraduate and the graduate level and may be completed at any time. In some cases, the courses needed may be taken partially or completely on a distance-delivered (online) basis. International students must be enrolled in a degree seeking program. Find more information on distance-delivered education at South Dakota Mines Online.

Graduate Certificate Programs

Graduate students may also take the Technology Innovation Certificate described below under Undergraduate Certificate Programs.
Construction Engineering and Management Certificate

The Construction Engineering and Management Certificate program provides a unique opportunity for students interested in advancing their careers as leaders and managers in the construction industry. The certificate program is open to any student having a baccalaureate degree. It may be taken following graduation, as a first step leading to a master's degree in construction management, or as an emphasis with any other Master's degree program.
More information may be found at the program website ( Construction Management M.S. and Certificate) or in our academic catalog: Construction Engineering and Management Certificate

Geospatial Technology

Geospatial technology is a career field that measures, visualizes, and analyzes features on the earth’s surface. It forms an integral part of government services and industries, including natural resources management, environmental protection, architecture, urban planning, insurance, retail, marketing, agriculture, forestry, mining, petroleum, water resources, transportation, utilities, and more. It is an actively growing field with high demand for trained workers and requires good computer skills. This certificate program is designed to enhance an individual’s existing work or academic training by building specific geospatial competencies required in the workplace. The ideal career preparation is to combine this certificate with a degree or work experience in one of the fields listed above. The certificate consists of four required core courses. Students who have not yet achieved a bachelor’s degree will take the undergraduate (400 level) courses; students holding a bachelor’s degree may enroll in the graduate (500 level) courses.
More information is available in our academic catalog: Geospatial Technology- Graduate Certificate 

Mining 360

This graduate-level certificate provides mining industry professionals with, (i) a broad exposure to different mining environments, commodities, and new technology, (ii) a deep understanding of mineral economics, and (iii) an appreciation of mine management and engineering. This certificate consists of three required core courses. Students must have completed a bachelor’s degree to enroll in the Mining 360 certificate program.
Find more details in our academic catalog: Mining 360 Certificate

Occupational Safety Certificate

The graduate level Occupational Safety Certificate at South Dakota Mines is designed to respond to a business need across all sectors (including general industry, construction, mining, health care, service, etc.) that places occupational safety at the highest level of organizational priorities. This certificate is open to any graduate student at Mines. (For undergraduate students, refer to the Occupational Safety Minor.)
Find more details in our academic catalog: Occupational Safety Certificate

Petroleum Systems Certificate

The world depends on energy resources to keep their people and economies thriving, and a skilled workforce is essential to meet the energy needs. The Petroleum Systems Certificate Program has a geoscience focus and is geared toward graduate students and professionals who are looking to expand their skill sets in petroleum and related fields, or who are looking to retool and retrain for a new career.  Courses are tailored to meet the needs of industry and provide a focused curriculum of classes and cross training. Offered through the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering.
Find more details in our academic catalog: Petroleum Systems Certificate

Quantum Communications

More information is available in our academic catalog: Quantum Communications

Undergraduate Certificate Programs

In addition, a number of certificate programs are available at the undergraduate level and may be completed as part of your undergraduate studies as a value-added component or following graduation as part of a continuing education requirement.  Programs available include
American Civic Traditions Certificate
More information is available in our academic catalog: American Civic Traditions Certificate
Engineering Management and Leadership Certificate
Industry wants to hire engineers who are not only competent in their discipline, but also have a beginning understanding of engineering management and leadership.  As defined by the American Society for Engineering Management, this discipline is "the art and science of planning, organizing, allocating resources, and directing and controlling activities which have a technological component."  This certificate is an opportunity for engineering students to graduate ready to meet the challenges unique to leadership in the engineering environment. More information is available in our academic catalog: Engineering Management and Leadership Certificate
Geospatial Technology
Geospatial technology is a career field that measures, visualizes, and analyzes features on the earth’s surface. It forms an integral part of government services and industries, including natural resources management, environmental protection, architecture, urban planning, insurance, retail, marketing, agriculture, forestry, mining, petroleum, water resources, transportation, utilities, and more. It is an actively growing field with high demand for trained workers and requires good computer skills. This certificate program is designed to enhance an individual’s existing work or academic training by building specific geospatial competencies required in the workplace. The ideal career preparation is to combine this certificate with a degree or work experience in one of the fields listed above. The certificate consists of four required core courses. Students who have not yet achieved a bachelor’s degree will take the undergraduate (400 level) courses; students holding a bachelor’s degree may enroll in the graduate (500 level) courses.  More information is available in our academic catalog: Geospatial Technology- Undergraduate Certificate
Global Engineering and Science Certificate
Many engineers encounter projects in unfamiliar cultures and work on multinational teams. The Certificate in Global Engineering provides cross cultural insight and experience that will increase the ability of engineers to work on projects and teams in other countries and cultures. Students study advanced intercultural communication and teaming skills in the classroom. These skills are then applied while working on design projects in a distinctly different culture such as a developing country, a Native American community, or on a multinational design team. Students from any engineering discipline at Mines may pursue the Certificate in Global Engineering by completing 9 credit hours of coursework. Find out more in our academic catalog: Global Engineering and Science Certificate
Six Sigma Greenbelt Certificate
Six Sigma certification is strongly valued by many organizations in industry for its standardized problem-solving process and adherence to statistically rigorous quality tools. The concepts that make up the Six Sigma philosophy and tools are contained within the Industrial Engineering curriculum. More information is available in our academic catalog: Six Sigma Greenbelt Certificate  
Basic Spanish Language Proficiency
The Basic Spanish Language Proficiency Certificate marks students’ achievements in acquiring Spanish language at the basic level. Some diverse organizations require college graduates with some degree of intercultural knowledge and practical Spanish language skills to interact more appropriately and effectively with Spanish-speaking workers in professional settings.  Find out more in our academic catalog Basic Spanish Language Proficiency Certificate

Quantum Communications

More information is available in our academic catalog: Quantum Communications