Faculty Development

The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (OFDA)

Spring 2024

We love to meet with faculty in-person.  We also know you're busy. Based faculty input,  OFDA will be offering many of our workshops and seminars both in-person and online to allow for more of you to participate in a way that works with your schedule.  We're also always happy to meet with you one-on-one.

  • Coming this Spring - Learn about generative AI with a series of hands-on workshops from AI basics to AI for the classroom and research
  • Increase your chances for P&T success by learning from experienced faculty and networking with peers
  • Get to know more about your GenZ students and how to help them succeed

Spring 2024 OFDA Calendar

Spring Monday Morning Mentor Schedule

Sign up for Spring Mid-semester Student Feedback / Small Group Instructional Diagnostic (SGID)

Would you like to have a mid-semester course evaluation this Spring?  SIGN UP HERE to have a trained member of OFDA or the faculty engage your students in an SGID.

To learn more about SGIDs, you can contact faculty.development@sdsmt.edu or click this link from the Georgia Tech CTL.

Our Vision

to cultivate and support a vibrant campus culture where faculty members feel supported, valued, and challenged to grow both personally and professionally from hire to retire.

Our Mission:

to provide programming that help faculty create dynamic learning experiences for tomorrow's leaders, to create active networks of faculty that help them reach their creative potential, and to celebrate the unique talents and achievements of faculty members.

Our Goals: 

  • to recognize and celebrate faculty expertise.
  • to build communities of faculty across campus.
  • to provide resources and development programs to meet the needs of faculty.
  • to support faculty in becoming agents of their own career development from hire to retire.

Our Core Values:

Value & Respect: OFDA recognizes that members of the faculty are scholars and lifelong learners. Faculty time is valuable, and time spent in OFDA programming is an investment in career advancement. OFDA programming recognizes that:

  • Development programming should be responsive to the needs of the faculty.
  • Time spent in OFDA programming should be active and productive rather than passive.

Collaboration:  Networks of diverse faculty can create innovative solutions. OFDA values collaboration across ranks and disciplines and between campus departments to create networks, expand opportunities, and improve communication.

Inclusion:  Faculty members bring unique skills and talents in support of the institutional mission. Programming is rooted in the idea that not all faculty will pursue the same career paths and that inclusion requires an open-mindedness and willingness to listen to and learn from others.

Recognition: Both Faculty and the institution benefit by being aware of, building on, and celebrating faculty achievements in teaching, scholarly activities, and service.

Scholarship: The scholarship of teaching and learning provides the basis for programming.  Innovative pedagogical approaches will not only be shared but will be employed in OFDA workshops.

All-Campus Mentoring Circles

Mentoring circles provide an opportunity to share concerns, strategies and successes with your peers on campus. 

Peer Mentoring Circles

Individual Teaching, Syllabus & Course Reviews and D2L Support

We're here to review your syllabus, help review your course design, set up mid-term course evaluations - anything to help you with an unbiased review of your teaching.  We can also help you create a teaching philosophy or outline narratives for annual evaluation or P&T dossiers.  Just email us to set up a time to meet. Adrian Vopnford is available for individual appointments to help with D2L. 

Online resources: