Marketing and Communications

At the Office of Marketing and Communications (MC), our portfolio is broad. Our efforts and activities help to recruit students, faculty, and staff; support fundraising activities; provide recognition for achievements of our campus community; and identify opportunities for the university to work more closely with the city, region and state where we reside. The Office of Marketing and Communications is located in the University Relations Studio (next door to the Music building, across the street from EE/Physics).


Job Request

Request assistance with marketing and communications projects.

Brand Guidelines

Follow university guidelines to stay consistent with our branding.


Downloadable templates help you quickly produce branded documents.

Email Signature

Build your branded email signature with our Email Signature Generator.


Find a treasure trove of South Dakota Mines photos already online.

Contact Us

If you need help or have questions, contact a member of the Marketing and Communications department.

Other Productions and Services

Graphic Design

Marketing and Communications produces recruiting materials, the Hardrock Magazine, and more - and helps other South Dakota Mines groups produce a variety of printed and online materials.

Web & Social Media

The university website tells our story to the outside world and aids in many internal communications and processes.  MC also manages the university social media platforms, handles digital and email marketing. Social Media Best Practices

Media Relations

Marketing and Communications works with media relations, public relations, government relations and outreach to our geographic community and to the science and engineering community.