
Hands-On Research Opportunities and Advanced Studies

Located near the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), the nation’s premier site for underground nuclear and particle physics, our M.S. program offers unique research opportunities in cutting-edge physics. Students work alongside internationally recognized faculty on groundbreaking studies, including dark matter exploration, neutrino behavior, and the origin of chemical elements. Additional research focuses on condensed matter, such as phase transitions in ferroelectric and magnetic materials or quantum materials. The program equips graduates with the skills to excel in academia, industry, and national labs.
For information on the departmental research click here.


Physics Department


  • Successful applicants typically have a GPA above 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • General and Physics GREs recommended but not required

Bachelor’s Degree

  • Physics or other related discipline
  • Students without a physics degree should contact the program coordinator (Dr. Xinhua Bai, before applying.

Application Deadline

February 1
August 1
Physics Department


The thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and independent research. By the end of the program, you will have a written thesis and an oral presentation that defends your original work and contribution to the field of study.


Elective:25 credits
Research requirements:7 credits




The non-thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and professional development. There is no requirement for a thesis, project paper, or final exam. Learn the latest advanced information and apply it to your work in the field.


Elective: 30 credits
Research Requirements: 2 credits




Expand your horizons

Recent Positions

Possible Industries

  • Academia
  • National Laboratories
  • High-performance Computing
  • Industrial Research
  • Electronics