Education Abroad

At South Dakota Mines, we believe in the power of exchange and strive to develop cross-cultural connections. International experience through education abroad is a great way to gain a broader worldview and global working experience. 

Top Questions Students Ask

Go as early as your freshman year, or if you are a transfer student, in your second semester. It depends on what you want to do, how long you want to be gone, and where you want to go. Many students have had multiple education abroad experiences during their time at South Dakota Mines.

No, not at all! There are so many options, from short-term to summer, week, etc. It all depends on your goals and preferences.

We work with you and your department before you leave to make sure the classes you are taking will transfer to South Dakota Mines. Students may choose courses that won't count toward their degree simply because they are interested in those courses. Courses like that may transfer to South Dakota Mines as a general elective.

Only sometimes! A variety of programs are taught in English; however, learning the language can help you more fully adjust to the country's culture and area. The benefits of a foreign language can help in future career opportunities by enhancing your worldview and improving your personal skills in areas such as critical thinking (adapting to new circumstances), multitasking, and non-verbal communication.

Cost will vary based on what you are doing and your destination. It will also depend on if you will do an exchange, direct enroll, third party provider, or other type of education abroad experience. Each option has different benefits. 

  • Attend an education abroad session (We have one each semester.)
  • Talk to the Ivanhoe International Center staff
  • Sign up for the announcements email list - we send information about different opportunities and programs that may be of interest to you. This is for current students only.
Ready to get started? Go to Plan Your Education Abroad