South Dakota Mines Names Students to Spring 2024 Academic Recognition and Dean’s Lists

May 21, 2024
South Dakota Mines Names Students to Spring 2024 Academic Recognition and Dean’s Lists
Recent South Dakota Mines graduates Kaden Jerke, Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering and engineering management, and Sydney Kerr, Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, are among the 721 recognized for academic excellence during the Spring 2024 semester.

South Dakota Mines has honored 721 students in the Spring 2024 semester for academic excellence. The university named 639 students to the Spring Dean’s List, and 82 students to the Spring 2024 Academic Recognition List. The Dean’s List recognition is for full-time students while Academic Recognition is for part-time students.


“The number of students achieving academic excellence this semester is a testament to the dedication of our students in learning and applying the curriculum, our talented faculty leading the classrooms, and our comprehensive tutoring and other student success initiatives at South Dakota Mines,” says Mines Dean of Students Joseph Dlugos, Ph.D. “Many of the students on this list graduated on May 4, and we can’t wait to see how they impact their industries and communities.”


To merit a spot on the Dean’s List, students must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester. Full-time students must have earned a minimum of 12 credit hours for the term. To earn Academic Recognition, part-time students must have earned between three and 11 credit hours that term in addition to the 3.5 GPA.


To view the Spring 2024 Dean’s List, click here. To view the Spring 2024 Academic Recognition List, click here.  Students are listed by their hometowns.