Museum of Geology Invites Public to Rock & Fossil ID Day

The public is invited to bring their backyard fossil or rock finds to the South Dakota Mines Museum of Geology on Saturday, Feb. 17, for the annual spring Rock and Fossil ID Day.
The free event will be from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the museum on the third floor of the O'Harra Building on the South Dakota Mines campus. Museum staff and trained students with the university's Paleontology Club will be available to identify specimens and answer questions.
Different varieties of quartz are the most common specimens brought in for evaluation, according to museum staff, who also emphasize the importance of knowing rules regarding removing rocks and fossils from public lands. Additionally, museum faculty, staff and students cannot appraise or assess the monetary value of any items.
The Museum of Geology offers exhibits focusing on paleontology and mineralogy. For additional information, visit the museum's Facebook page here.
Click for a map of the South Dakota Mines campus.