Museum of Geology, South Dakota Mines Implement Annual Admissions Fee for the Public Starting in 2025

After over a century of remaining free for public visitation, the Museum of Geology, located in the O'Harra Building on the South Dakota Mines campus, will begin implementing an annual admission fee for visitors starting January 2025. Visitors will be asked to pay an annual fee, renewable at the start of each calendar year, for access to the exhibit hall.
The museum would like to offer a wider variety of exhibits and programming for the visiting public. “As such, we are asking our patrons for a small annual investment to help make this happen,” said Darrin Pagnac, Mines geology professor and interim director of the museum.
All proceeds from admission fees will be directly applied to exhibit updates and additional programming. “Our goal is to provide updated visitor experiences to be made available both on the museum’s exhibit floor and through social media and online venues," Pagnac said.
Admission for those over 16 will be $10, children 16 and under will be $5, and anyone under age 5 will be free. Special rates are available for seniors, veterans and active-duty military personnel. Admission fees will be waived for museum special events, such as Night at the Museum or Rock and Fossil ID Day.
For more information, contact Darrin Pagnac at 605-394-2469 or Darrah Steffen, assistant museum director, at 605-394-6155.