Mines CAMP Teams Win Regional Competitions Advancing to the National Stage

Three Mines teams that are part of the university's CAMP program have won their regional competitions to advance to the national level events.
CAMP is a competitive, co-curricular program at South Dakota Mines that brings together students, faculty, and industry leaders to partner on challenging projects. Nearly 500 students on 14 teams in CAMP take part in hands-on learning and problem solving in annual collegiate competitions at the regional, national, and international levels.
Mines ChemE Car, Concrete Canoe, and Steel Bridge teams each won regional level competitions.
“Congratulations to our CAMP teams for winning these highly competitive regional events. These students, along with the faculty and staff members who support them, deserve commendation for their excellent work,” says Mines President Jim Rankin, Ph.D., P.E. “I hope the rest of campus and the entire community will join me in rooting for these Hardrockers during their upcoming national competitions.”
Steel Bridge
South Dakota Mines Steel Bridge Team won the regional competition at the ASCE Rocky Mountain Student Symposium hosted by the United States Air Force Academy & Colorado State University Pueblo in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The team took home first overall and first in every category except for aesthetics. The team will next represent South Dakota Mines at the AISC national finals at University of California San Diego, June 2-3.
Follow the team's progress on their Facebook page and their Instagram page.
Concrete Canoe
Dakota Mines Concrete Canoe Team won the regional competition at the ASCE Rocky
Mountain Student Symposium hosted by the United States Air Force Academy &
Colorado State University Pueblo in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The team took home first place in the project proposal and technical presentation sections of the competition as well as second place in final prototype, leaving them the top scoring team at the regional event. The team will next represent South Dakota Mines at the ASCE national competition at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville on June 10-12th.
Follow the team's progress on their Instagram page.
Chem E Car
The Mines ChemE Car team took home both first and second place awards at the regional AIChE ChemE Car Competition held at University of Wyoming in April. AIChE is the world's leading organization for chemical engineering professionals. The organization hosts the annual ChemE-Car Competition that challenges college students to design and construct a model car powered by a chemical energy source, that will safely run a specific given distance and stop. The team also placed second in the Jeopardy section of the competition. They will next compete at the national ChemE Car Competition in November, 2023, in Orlando, Fla.