South Dakota Mines Ready to Celebrate Rocker Days

September 08, 2023
South Dakota Mines Ready to Celebrate Rocker Days
Rocker Days is a week filled with tradition. The week starts with the Senior Pick Breakfast and Hill Cleanup on Sept. 9 and culminates with the Frosh Run and the formation of the M, seen here, during the homecoming football game on Saturday, Sept. 16 against Colorado Mesa University.

Homecoming is a time full of tradition, and that's definitely the case at South Dakota Mines. From Sept. 9-16, the university will celebrate its homecoming, also known as Rocker Days.

The schedule is as listed below:

Sept. 9: Senior Pick Breakfast and Hill Cleanup, Christensen Hall of Fame, 9 a.m.

Sept. 10: Soccer home versus Texas A&M International, Dakota Fields, 11 a.m.

Sept. 10: Senior-Frosh Picnic, Surbeck Ballroom, noon

Sept. 10: Hanging of the M, Campus Arch, immediately after picnic

Sept. 10: Paint the Town, Downtown Rapid City

Sept. 11: Homecoming Royalty Candidate Campaigns, Mahon Plaza, all day

Sept. 11: Introduction to Candidates, Surbeck Ballroom, 7 p.m.

Sept. 12: Free Armadillo's ice cream for Mines students, Armadillo's, 4 p.m.

Sept. 12: School Spirit Dorm Storm, Residence Halls and Greek Hill, 8 p.m.

Sept. 13: Street Dance, Campus Quad, 6-8 p.m.

Sept. 14: Coronation and Burning of the M, Surbeck Ballroom and King Center parking lot, 7:30 p.m.

Sept. 15: M Day Picnic and Whitewashing of the M, Hanson-Larsen Memorial Park, noon

Sept. 16: Football game versus Colorado-Mesa, O'Harra Stadium, 1 p.m.

Sept. 16: Frosh Run and Formation of the M, O'Harra Stadium, halftime of the homecoming game