Graduate Student

New Graduate Student Checklist

Congratulations on being accepted to the South Dakota Mines Graduate Program. Here are the next steps to help you get started on your graduate degree. 

All Graduate Students

Email the Graduate Office to Confirm Attendance

Your Mines email is needed to start the I-20 and registration process. It is available approximately 5 days after your acceptance. This is the only email account we will use to contact you once the semester has begun. Be sure to check it regularly.

Obtain your login credentials 

Email Set Up Instructions 

Email ITS Help Desk with questions

Click here to review the international student checklist

Email Ivanhoe International Center with any questions*

*Contact your advisor listed in your acceptance letter for questions regarding assistantships. Nonthesis students are not considered for assistantship funding.  

DEADLINES: Students must submit the required documents or request to defer enrollment by these dates or your application will no longer be active.  

Fall enrollment deadlines: 

Submit bank statement and I-20 admission deposit: June 15 
Confirm visa interview: July 15 
Hold visa interview and submit enrollment deposit: August 1 
Last date to defer enrollment: August 1 
Submit final official documents: August 15 
Last date to arrive: 1 week before the term begins 

Spring enrollment deadlines: 

Submit bank statement and I-20 admission deposit:: November 1 
Confirm visa interview: November 15 
Hold visa interview and submit enrollment deposit: December 1 
Last date to defer enrollment: December 1 
Submit final official documents: December 15 
Last date to arrive: 1 week before the term begins  

Look up your advisor in your acceptance letter. Contact them via email to let them know you are planning to attend. Discuss what courses to take and ask any questions you may have about assistantships. 

Search the Campus Directory for your advisor

Log into the Banner Portal

View Academic Catalog

Submit Permission of Instructor Form, if needed

Email Registrar's Office with any questions

Visit Financial Aid webpage

Visit tuition and fee rates webpage

Email Financial Aid Office with questions

Download Immunization Form

Read Form Instructions

Email Dean of Students with any questions

International Students: email Ivanhoe International Center with any questions

Download housing options document

Read campus housing info

Read off campus housing info

Contact Residence Life Office with questions

New graduate student orientation can be completed online at your convenience. You will receive an email with login information a few weeks before the term begins.

Email Graduate Office with questions

International Students: email Ivanhoe International Center for additional orientation info

If you previously provided official documentation (sent directly from the issuing institution or evaluating agency) that includes confirmation of the bachelor’s degree awarded, no further action is required. Review your acceptance letter for further details. 

  • MS Thesis and PhD students: Official transcripts (including evidence of the bachelor’s degree) must be sent directly from the issuing institution via email or postal mail. Documents may also be sent by the student in an envelope stamped and sealed by the institution. A third-party transcript evaluation from WES, ECE, or Spantran is also acceptable. 
  • Non-Thesis students: A third-party transcript evaluation (listing all course marks and the degree awarded) is required for all international transcripts. Please visit,, or SpanTran. Documents must be sent to us by the evaluating institution. 

Documents should be sent to:
South Dakota Mines Graduate Education
501 E. St. Joseph St.
Rapid City SD 57701

Fall submission deadline: August 15 

Spring submission deadline: December 15

Log into the Banner Portal

Email Cashier's Office with any questions

available 30 days prior to the semester start date Visit South Dakota Mines Rocker Shop Bookstore website.

Email Bookstore with any questions

used to distribute course materials in some courses

Visit D2L Portal website

Email ITS Help Desk with questions

View Academic Calendar

Email Registrar's Office with any questions


15. Complete assistantship hiring form

for students with a confirmed assistantship offer

Search the Campus Directory for your department secretary

Upload a photo of yourself to this link. Log in with your network user name and password. Then download your digital ID on your mobile device (available after August 1 for fall):

Mobile ID instructions

Click for parking permit form

Email Facilities Office with questions