Faculty and Staff


Photos will be updated. We appreciate your patience.

Department Head and Professor
Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 133
B.S., University of California-San Diego
M.S., University of California-Irvine
Ph.D. University of California-Irvine
Dr. Jason Ash 

Associate Professor
Phone: (605) 355-3736
Office: CM 128B
B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
M.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Ph.D., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Vas Belakov 

Machinist (Equipment Technician)
Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 220
Dr. Cassandra Birrenkott 

Associate Professor
Phone: (605) 394-2496
Office: CM 320B
B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Brittany Brzozowski 

Senior Secretary
Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 129

BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Dr. Sonya Dick 

Assistant Professor
Phone: (605) 394-1878
Office: CM 246B
B.S., California Polytechnic State University
M.S., University of Michigan
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Dr. Prasoon Diwakar 

Assistant Professor
Phone: (605) 394-6704
Office: CM 320A

B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology
M.S., University of Florida
Ph.D., University of Florida

Dr. Yu Fu 

Phone: (605) 394-2585
Office: CM 131
Ph.D., University of North Texas
Dr. Prashant Jha

Assistant Professor
Phone: (605) 394-1893
Office: 130

B.E., New Government Engineering College
M.S., Indian Institute of Science
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Joseph John Thalakkottor 

Assistant Professor
Phone: (605) 394-2434
Office: CM 319

B.T., Cochin University of Science and Technology
M.S., University of Florida
Ph.D., University of Florida

Ardell Knudson 

Phone: (605) 394-5114
Office: CM 320C
B.S., North Dakota State University
M.S., North Dakota State University
Dr. Micah Lande 

Assistant Professor/E.R. Stensaas Chair
Phone: (605) 394-2408
Office: CM 169

B.S., Stanford University
M.A., Stanford University
Ph.D.,  Stanford University
Research Lab Webpage

Mario Lento 

Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 129

B.S., Florida Institute of Technology
M.S., Florida Institute of Technology

Leslee Moore 

Program Assistant I 
Phone: (605) 394-1952
Office: CM 128C
A.A., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
B.A., Black Hills State University
M.S.P., George Washington University
Dr. Joseph Musto 

Senior Lecturer
Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 129

B.S., Clarkson University
M.Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Daniel Rederth 

Senior Lecturer
Phone: (605) 394-2401
Office: CM 171
B.S., South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
M.S., South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Ph.D., South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Dr. Albert Romkes 

Associate Professor
Phone: (605) 394-2255
Office: CM 167
M.S., Delft University of Technology
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Khosro Shahbazi 

Associate Professor
Phone: (605) 394-1665
Office: CM 322
B.S., Sharif University
M.A.S., University of Toronto
Ph.D., University of Toronto
Dr. Cristian Vargas-Ordóñez 

Assistant Professor
Phone: (605) 394-2430
Office: CM 128A
B.S., Universidad de America
M.S., Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
M.A., University of Los Andes
Ph.D., Purdue University
Dr. Weibing Xing 

Pearson Chair/Associate Professor
Phone: (605) 394-5170
Office: CM 172

B.S., Ningxia University
M.S., Simon Fraser University
Ph.D., Simon Fraser University

Emeritus Faculty

Gregory Buck - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Daniel F Dolan - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Paul Gnirk - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering Physics
Vojislav Kalanovic - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Lidvin Kjerengtroen - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Wayne Krause - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Michael Langerman - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Karim Heinz Muci-Kuchler - Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering