Community Standards

Community Standards promotes being a positive member of our community by educating students about policies and procedures, holding students accountable for their actions, and providing students intentional interventions and sanctions.

Policies & Sanctioning

As a student at South Dakota Mines, you are responsible for abiding by policies provided by the SD Board of Regents (BOR), the university, and specific departments/areas as applicable to your situation. As such, it is important for you to be familiar with where policies are posted. The following information and links provide you access to policies which govern your conduct as South Dakota Mines students.


Sanctions for Common Violations

Students found responsible for violating the South Dakota Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct or South Dakota Mines policies or procedures are subject to sanctioning found in the Student Code of Conduct. Below are the standard sanctions often issued by the Student Conduct Office and the Residence Life Office. These standard sanctions are for reference only. Final sanctioning is determined by the Community Standards hearing officer.

Illegally Downloading

  • 1st violation: Student must remove all illegal material from their computer, remove all downloading software, and demonstrate all materials have been removed.
  •  2nd violation: Choice of presentation, personal reflection paper, or $100 fine; student conduct probation for one full semester; student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS Department upon request.
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine or thirty hours of community service, counseling session, and possible loss of computer access or suspension. Student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS department upon request.

Tobacco Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and personal reflection paper
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine and one semester student conduct probation
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, possible suspension from residential housing for one semester, and counseling assessment

Alcohol Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and completion of educational sanction
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of a brief alcohol assessment with counseling center staff (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one semester student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, possible suspension for minimum of one semester, and possible alcohol counseling

Drug and Controlled Substances Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine, completion of educational sanction, and possible parental notification
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of counseling assessment of at least 2 sessions (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one year student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, and suspension for minimum of one semester 

Academic Integrity Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: Probation for one full semester
  • 2nd violation: Educational sanction with charge of $100,  student conduct probation for two full semsters
  • 3rd violation: Suspension for one full semester

Other Violation

  • The University reserves the right to fine for any student conduct violations. Fines will be determined by the Director of Community Standards and/or the hearing officers involved in the case.
  •  A full list of possible sanctions can be found in the Student Code of Conduct

Alcohol and Drug Policy
Residence Life adheres to the SDBOR Alcohol and Drug Policy found in the South Dakota BOR Code of Conduct which states the following is prohibited: The unauthorized manufacture, sale, possession, use, or consumption of alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances by students...The unauthorized possession of any drug paraphernalia.  

  • Rocker Square I/II are designated as an upper-division residence hall where alcohol may be possessed and used in a lawful manner by students who are 21 years of age or older in their living quarters once approved by Residence Life. Students under the age of 21 in Rocker Square I/II are subject to the SDBOR Alcohol and Drug policy and may not possess, use, or consume alcohol in Rocker Square I/II. 
  • Please note that being in the presence of alcohol in Palmerton, Connolly, Peterson, and Placer is considered a violation of the South Dakota BOR alcohol policy. Containers with the original purpose of containing or holding alcohol are not permitted in Palmerton, Connolly, Peterson, and Placer.

Weapons are regulated by the SD BOR Code of Conduct and the South Dakota Mines Weapons Policy.

Per these policies, possession of the following is prohibited on campus premises or institutional events: firearms, stun guns, tasers, BB guns, switchblade knives, fixed blade knives with a blade length of five (5) inches or greater, fireworks, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any item that is designed or used to injure or harm another person. Exceptions to this policy vary -- please see the South Dakota Mines Weapons Policy for further details.

Please use our online Advocate Reporting program to report all concerns including academic integrity issues, conduct charges, or general student issues/concerns. Community Standards will follow-up on each issue reported. Please Note: This form may be completed anonymously. If this is an emergency situation, please call 911. If this is an immediate student concern, please contact Public Safety or the Community Standards Office.

Submit an Advocate Online Report Here

The campus crime and fire information is intended to be a convenient source of information to help members of the South Dakota Mines community keep themselves and each other safe. It is also distributed as part of the university's obligations under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, which requires universities to collect and disseminate campus crime statistics and other related information.

Campus Security and Fire Safety Report

High standards of academic honesty and intellectual integrity are essential to the success of our students and the institution. The campus community will not tolerate acts of dishonesty in any academic activities at South Dakota Mines. Such acts jeopardize not only the individual student, but also the integrity and dignity of the institution and its members. To report possible academic integrity issues, please complete the Advocate Online Report here.

For complete information about academic integrity policies and procedures, see below.

Academic Integrity Information

The South Dakota Board of Regents has clearly defined acts that constitute violations of Academic Misconduct (BOR Policy 2.9.2 - Student Academic Misconduct and BOR Policy 3.4.1 - Student Code of Conduct). These acts include but are not limited to cheating and plagiarism; full definitions are found in BOR 2.9.2 and BOR 3.4.1.

These acts of dishonesty violate the values and standards of behavior South Dakota Mines works to instill in all members of the campus community. The Faculty Member for each course is responsible for setting and clarifying the academic integrity standards for that course within the course syllabus. 

Faculty Members may submit requests or give notice of alleged Academic Misconduct through the online Advocate Reporting Form.

For more information on the Academic Integrity process please contact the Director of Residence Life & Community Standards, Bryce Nussbaum.

Academic Misconduct Process

The process for resolution of Academic Misconduct cases is determined by BOR 2.9.2 (previously BOR 2.9.2).

Informal Resolution with Your Faculty Member (BOR 2.9.2)

Initial Meeting

If a Faculty Member has a reason to believe you might have cheated or plagiarized work in their course, they will reach out to you to set up a meeting. In this meeting, the goal is for you and the Faculty Member to discuss the allegations and attempt a resolution.

Requests & Information about Prior Occurrences

A Faculty Member might reach out to the Community Standards Office to request the presence of a Student Conduct Officer at the meeting and may ask if you have been found responsible for prior occurrences of Academic Misconduct. This information may be used when determining academic consequences (such as issuing a failing grade in the course).


You also may also request a supporting person be present at the meetings. BOR 3.4.1 identifies this supporting person as an Advisor. An Advisor is a person of your choosing who has agreed to advise you throughout the process. If you choose to have an advisor present, choose one who is available to attend the scheduled meeting because their availability is not considered in scheduling by the Faculty Member.

Reaching an Informal Resolution

We state that an informal resolution is reached where either:

  1. You and the Faculty Member both agree that no academic misconduct occurred; or if you
  2. Sign the Informal Resolution form stating your agreement to take responsibility of the academic misconduct and to the academic consequences proposed.
      By signing the form, you waive the right to appeal both the fact that you engaged in the Academic Misconduct and the academic consequence. This form is then sent to the Community Standards Office by the Faculty Member. After reviewing the form, a Student Conduct Officer will assess appropriate conduct sanctions to you via a letter to your student email.
Addressing the Allegation through Student Code of Conduct with the Community Standards Office (BOR 3.4.1)

If you and the Faculty Member are not able to come to an agreement after ten business days of that initial meeting, then the Faculty Member will inform the Community Standards Office that the allegation of Academic Misconduct will need to be addressed through BOR 3.4.1.

The Student Conduct Officer will review the allegation and make an initial determination if the allegations are credible and would constitute a violation of the Student Code. If the Student Conduct Officer determines the allegations need to be investigated, you will receive written notice via your student email within fifteen (business) days.

This notice will include an opportunity for you to meet with the Student Conduct Officer to give your account of the incident leading to the allegation of Academic Misconduct. The notice would also include information about informal and formal resolution processes, your right to have an advisor present, details about the alleged incident, and the section(s) of the Student Code alleged to have been violated.

The Student Conduct Officer will also set up a time for a hearing to occur ten to twenty days after the notice was deemed received by you (the next day administrative offices are open).


Informal Resolution Reached through BOR 2.9.2

You may not appeal either the fact that you engaged in Academic Misconduct or the academic consequences imposed by the Faculty Member because you waive such appeal rights in agreeing and signing the Informal Resolution form.

You may appeal conduct sanctions limited to the following reason: that the conduct sanction(s) imposed were not appropriate.

Informal Resolution NOT Reached through BOR 2.9.2

You may appeal the academic consequence imposed by the Faculty Member pursuant to South Dakota Board of Regents Policy 2.9.2 – Student Appeals for Academic Affairs.

You may not appeal either the fact that you engaged in Academic Misconduct or the conduct sanctions imposed by the Student Conduct Officer because you waive such appeal rights in agreeing and signing the Informal Resolution form.

Expectation of Privacy

All parties have a right to expect that this process will occur in a setting of strictest privacy. Privacy will be maintained unless a legitimate need to know is established in coordination with the Student Conduct Officer for the Faculty Member to complete their responsibilities as employees and in a manner consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and any other applicable laws and policies.

Student Conduct Records and Academic Records

Academic consequence(s) are not considered conduct sanctions kept in your conduct record; but rather, are an effect of the academic integrity standards set by the Faculty Member.

Conduct sanctions shall not be made part of the your permanent academic record; but shall become part of the your conduct record.

Your conduct record containing conduct sanctions other than suspension, expulsion, revoking admission and/or a degree, or withholding a degree, will be expunged seven years after the date of the original finding of a violation of the Student Code.

Your conduct record containing suspension, expulsion, revoking admission and/or degree, or withholding a degree shall be maintained permanently.

The Community Standards Office is the custodian of Student Conduct Records.

Contact Information

Bryce Nussbaum
Director of Residential Education & Community Standards
Surbeck Center