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Shan Zhou (2022)

Assistant Professor

Nanoscience and Biomedical Engineering


B.S., University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology

EEP 228 (campus map)
Research Expertise

Dr. Shan Zhou is developing a Materials-Interfaces Imaging and Design Laboratory (MIDL) to explore the multidisciplinary research bridging nanoscience, biomedical engineering, analytical chemistry, and materials science, with a primary focus on the development of an in situ characterization platform with sub-nanometer resolution and high temporal resolution for the direct imaging of both native and engineered materials interfaces involved in energy applications and biological processes.

Research specialties: nanoparticle synthesis and assembly, 2D materials, plasmonic metamaterials, regioselective surface chemistry control, and advanced in situ characterization techniques including electron microscopy and electrochemical-3D-atomic force microscopy.

Dr. Zhou is actively seeking undergraduate and graduate research assistants to tackle the emerging challenges in energy conversion and biomedicines.

Brief Bio

2022-present, Assistant Professor in Nanoscience and Biomedical Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
2018-2022, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Faculty hosts: Prof. Qian Chen, and Prof. Yingjie Zhang.
2018, Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology with Prof. Younan Xia.
2014, B.S. degree in Chemistry from the School of Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China.

Detailed publications can be found in: Dr. Shan Zhou's Google Scholar.


As a researcher with training in a broad spectrum of chemistry and engineering disciplines, Dr. Zhou aims to create an inclusive and inspirational teaching environment that inspires the young and fresh minds to develop an ability to pursue the knowledge while making their own discoveries.

Course Listing