Headshot of Heidi L. Sieverding

Heidi Sieverding

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor of Practice

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)


A.A., Worthington Community College
B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
M.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Brief Bio

Heidi Sieverding is a Research Scientist in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Heidi has a B.S. in Geological Engineering and M.S. in Geology and Geological Engineering. In her career, has worked for the State of South Dakota, a start-up company, an established company, and a federal contractor before joining South Dakota Mines. Her work-related duties have ranged from geospatial database management and development to geo-environmental and systems analysis. She started working in Dr. Stone's research group in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department in 2013. Since then she has been evaluating the sustainability of bio-products and their production systems using life cycle analysis and evaluating and remediating environmental issues. Heidi has over 20 peer-reviewed publications on an array of research topics. Heidi has two children, a daughter who is an alumnus of the Civil and Environmental Engineering program and a son who is currently enrolled at South Dakota Mines in the Mining Engineering program.

Research Expertise

Heidi Sieverding's research expertise is in systems thinking with focus on life cycle analysis, environmental remediation, geohydrology, and geospatial analysis. Heidi's research has focused on improving the sustainability of and evaluating the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of crop and bio-product production within South Dakota. Her current research projects are focused on development of sustainable, spray-on bioplastics which can support field crop production and per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) mitigation.


Heidi Sieverding currently teaches freshmen- and sophomore-level courses for the Civil and Environmental Engineering program. She is the instructor for CEE 130 - Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering and CEE 240 - Geomatics II during the fall semester and CEE 140 - Geomatics I in spring. Heidi is an advisor to South Dakota Mines' student-managed geotechnical engineering living laboratory located here on campus.