Associate Professor

Kyle Riley

Associate Professor
Kyle L Riley (1999)

Associate Professor

Mathematics (MATH)


B.S., University of Wyoming
M.S., Ph.D., Montana State University

(605) 394-2471
M 307C (campus map)
Research Expertise
Research Interests Include: Numerical Linear Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Iterative Methods, Program Assessment, and STEM education
Courses taught at the School of Mines: Math 120 (Trigonometry) Math 123 (Calculus I) Math 125 (Calculus II) Math 225 (Calculus III) Math 315 (Linear Algebra) Math 321 (Differential Equations) Math 353 (Linear Optimization) Math 373 (Introduction to Numerical Analysis) Math 381 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics) Math 498 (Undergraduate Research) Math 402 (Communications in Mathematics) Math 423 (Advanced Calculus 1) Math 424 (Advanced Calculus 2) Math 451 (Mathematical Modeling) Math 471 (Numerical Analysis) CSC 361 (Linear Optimization) CSC 461 (Numerical Analysis)
Course Listing