
Juergen Reichenbacher

Associate Professor
Juergen Reichenbacher (2014)

Associate Professor

Physics (PHYS)


M.S., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology



DAK 102 (campus map)
Research Expertise

My research interests are Neutrino Physics & Dark Matter as intersection of Nuclear, Astro & Particle Physics. I focus on radiological backgrounds, calibration systems, development of detectors, nuclear forensics, simulation, computing/HPC, statistical analyses, machine learning, automation design and cosmic rays.

As undergrad in Germany my interest got sparked by giving a presentation on solar neutrinos that were discovered here in a gold mine in the Black Hills. I then joined the neutrino group at the Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics at KIT, where I did my Diploma- and Ph.D. theses on the KARMEN short-baseline neutrino experiment which was located at the Rutherford-Appleton-Laboratory in Oxford/UK. As postdoc I worked on the MINOS long-baseline neutrino experiment (Fermilab/Chicago & MN) and on the Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment in France, before focusing as South Dakota Mines faculty on the DUNE neutrino experiment & on the LZ dark matter experiment, both located at nearby Sanford Lab, the former gold mine.

Brief Bio

Education and Professional Preparation:

- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT):    Diploma-Physicist (>M.Sc.)  1998
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT):                                          Ph.D. 2004
- Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne/IL (University of Chicago):
    Postdoctoral Appointee at High Energy Physics Division                          (2005-2008)
- The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa:
    Postdoctoral Appointee at Dept. of Physics & Astronomy                        (2009-2011)


- South Dakota School of Mines & Technology:   Associate-Professor   (tenured 2020 - present)
- South Dakota School of Mines & Technology:   Assistant-Professor    (tenure-track 2014-2020)
- The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa:             Research Scientist       (2011-2014) 


Physics Courses taught/developed:

PHYS-211 University Physics I Mechanics (3 credits)
PHYS-211 Honors Course University Physics I Mechanics (4 credits, newly developed)
PHYS-213 University Physics II Electricity & Magnetism (3 credits)
PHYS-312/314 Experimental Physics Design I/II (2 credits)
PHYS-350 Advanced Physics Lab Course (3 credits, newly developed)
PHYS-412/414 Advanced Design Projects I/II (3 credits)
PHYS-433/533 Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics (3 credits)
PHYS-491/791 IND: Germanium Detectors (2 credits)
PHYS-733 Experimental Methods in Nuclear and Particle Physics (3 credits)
PHYS-790 Physics Seminar (1 credit)
PHYS-898 Dissertation (flexible credits)

Course Listing