Headshot of Venkataramana Gadhemshetty

Venkataramana Gadhamshetty



Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)


B.S., Osmania University
M.S., National University of Singapore
M.S., New Mexico State University
Ph.D., New Mexico State University
Brief Bio

Dr. Gadhamshetty is a Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. He is a Board-Certified Environmental Engineer, a licensed Professional Engineer, chairman for Environmental Water Resource Institute Water Pollution Engineering Committee at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and secretary for EWRI's water wastewater and stormwater council. He earned his BS in Chemical Technology from an Osmania University affiliated college, MS in Environmental Engineering from National University of Singapore, and MS and PhD in Environmental Engineering at New Mexico State University. After two years of post-doctoral experience at Airforce Research Laboratory, he spent three years as a clinical assistant professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, and 18 months as an assistant professor at Florida Gulf Coast University, FL for 18. He has ~5 years of industrial experience at Dupont Singapore Pte Ltd.

Research Expertise

Dr. Gadhamshetty is a pioneer in diverse fields of Environmental Engineering. Some of his popular works include generation of electricity and valuable products from wastes including rotten tomatoes. He is also a pioneer in developing atomically thin coatings (invisible with a naked eye) for controlling biofilm growth. Practical outcomes include protective coatings for corrosion, NASA microbial fuel cells and wastewater reuse. Owing to their promises, he received a prestigious NSF CAREER award (2015). He is also a recipient of the first SD Mines Research Award in 2016. He is an invited Tedxtalk speaker for Rapid City. His research was featured in 350 other large media including BBC, CNN, and History Now. His research projects (~$34 million) are funded by Airforce, Defense, National Science Foundation, NASA, and EPRI, Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation (OSMRE).


Dr. Gadhamshetty is an Excellence in Civil and Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Fellow at American Society of Civil Engineering. He rose to the high standards of an exceptional teacher at Florida Gulf Coast University and South Dakota mines. Over past 12 years, he taught twenty-two (23) different courses, including core engineering, Environmental Engineering, laboratory courses, senior design classes, and research-integrated courses. His team is currently pioneering development of convergent graduate student training framework that engineering field by leveraging emerging knowledge on advanced materials, artificial intelligence, and microbiology.