Non-Traditional Students

For purposes of admission, a degree-seeking student who is at least 24 and has not previously attended any post-secondary institution is classified as a non-traditional student.

It is the policy of the South Dakota Mines to recognize that there is a great diversity in the background and goals of non-traditional students seeking college admissions. Each individual is evaluated for admission to the South Dakota Mines based on the minimum admission requirements as prescribed by the Board of Regents. Additional consideration will be given to non-traditional students who do not meet the BOR undergraduate admission requirements.

  • Non-traditional students who are high school graduates and meet the BOR minimum requirements will be admitted.
  • Non-traditional students who are not high school graduates and have obtained an ACT composite score of 18, ACT English and Mathematics sub-test scores of at least 18, and Social Studies/Reading and Science reasoning sub-test scores of at least 17, and meet any university determined requirements for admission will be admitted.
  • Non-traditional students who are not high school graduates and have completed the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) with the following scores:
    Scores earned since January 1, 2014: Reach a score of at least 145 on each subject and a total score of 580 or higher across all four subjects;
    Scores earned before January 1, 2014: Reach a score of at least 150 on each subject and a total score of 600 or higher across all four subjects
  • Non-traditional students who do not fit within the categories above will be considered for admission based on life experience and other evidence of success. Applications will be reviewed by a review group composed of the coordinator of educational services, the director of admissions, and the assistant director of admissions. An applicant accepted under this section will be placed on a one-semester probationary status. The review group reserves the right to impose additional conditions.

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