
Average Salary Offers

2021 - 2022 Graduates (BS degrees)

The following table shows the average starting salary offers from the South Dakota Mines class of 2021 through the class of 2022 bachelor's degree graduates. Each bachelor college degree is listed and averaged separately. South Dakota Mines graduates earn an average starting salary of $70,036. The high starting salaries combined with South Dakota Mine's low cost makes student loans more affordable. South Dakota Mines college students have long recognized the high return on investment offered in South Dakota. Our starting salary information is based on actual numbers reported by recent graduates. This information differs from College Scorecard information because our data includes all students, not just those who received some form of federal financial aid. For any questions on the salary report, please contact Career Services.

Full-time Placement Survey

Degree Average Salary Offers
Applied Biological Sciences/Biology *
Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences  *
Biomedical Engineering  $61,000
Business Management in Technology  $62,714
Chemical Engineering $72,962
Chemistry *
Civil & Environmental Engineering $63,699
Computer Engineering $73,357
Computer Science $82,998
Electrical Engineering $72,182
Geology *
Geological Engineering  $64,000
Industrial Engineering & Engineering Mgmt. $70,850
Interdisciplinary Sciences - Science, Technology, & Society *
Mathematics *
Mechanical Engineering $69,546
Metallurgical Engineering $79,035
Mining Engineering $74,273
Physics *
Pre-Professional Health Sciences   *
South Dakota Mines Overall $70,036

* Pursuing graduate degrees or fewer than 5 salary offers reported.

Internships & Co-ops

 I appreciate your consideration. 73% of last year's graduates had relevant work experience through paid internships, co-ops, or research. South Dakota Mines students this year are doing paid internships, co-ops or research averaging $22.62 per hour for 220 employers in 37 states as well as in Guam and Ireland. 

Placement for AcYr22 B.S. grads with internship experience: 100% & Placement for AcYr22 B.S. grads without internship experience: 92%

Contact Us

Career Services
Located in the Devereaux Library
(Main Floor - Offices 213 & 214)

Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Summer Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM