You Are Welcome Here
South Dakota Mines Counseling Center provides on-campus counseling to currently enrolled
students. Our professional counselors are committed to providing unbiased, culturally
sensitive, high quality care to students in a non-judgmental, objective, confidential

Office Hours
Surbeck Center main floor
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(limited hours during the summer)

Appointments can be scheduled by:
- Stopping in at the counseling office front desk on the main level of Surbeck
- Calling 605-394-1924
- Emailing
Mission, Values & Principles
Mission Statement
To support the intellectual, emotional, and social development of students through
brieff individual counseling and educational programming.
- Humility
- Dignity
- Autonomy
- Integrity
- Fidelity
- Unity
Guiding Principles
- Do no harm
- Afirm hope
- Utilize evidence-based practices
- Assure cultural competency
- Make data-informed decisions
- Advocate for sustainable social justice