Student Association Senate

Student Association SenateStudent Association Senate

The Student Association Senate governs in the best interest of the students; directs student organizations within the University; and represents the students before the citizens of South Dakota. The Student Association‘s power is subject to the laws of South Dakota and the rules established by the South Dakota State Board of Regents. The Student Association of the South Dakota Mines is an organization of all registered students who have paid activity fees. Through its officers and committees, it is involved in all student activities.

Positions in the Student Association Senate are by election and by appointment. There are five elected officers from each class (freshman through senior), three appointed representatives (Graduate, International, and Non-Traditional Student), and an elected Vice-President & President. Terms of office are for one year. When there is a mid-term vacancy, positions are filled as needed through appointment. Senate meetings are weekly and open to all students, faculty, and staff. Each senator is appointed to one of the five standing committees: Constitution, Public Relations, Governmental Relations, Student Affairs, and Finance.

Upcoming Meetings:

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.
Pearson Alumni Center Ballroom
Everyone is welcome to attend!

Everyone is also welcome to attend any of the committee meetings below.

Finance Committee Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Student Senate Office
Constitution Committee Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Student Senate Office
Governmental Relations Committee Mondays at 3:00 p.m.
Student Senate Office
Public Relations Committee Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Student Senate Office
Student Affairs Committee Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m.
Student Senate Office



Senators & Officers

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Hagan Archer


Clive Uy

Vice President

Andrew Garcia


Nicholas Lockwood

Chief Financial Officer

Jordan Lannerd

Governmental Relations Chair

Madelyn Siekmann

Public Relations Chair

Adedokun Alarape

Constitution Chair

Patrick Winter

Student Affairs Chair


Senior Senators


Cole Stanek

Tyler Captain

Tyler Captain


Madelyn Siekmann


Duncan Pilling


Andrew Lindgren


Junior Senators


Adedokun Alarape


Jordan Lannerd


William Kuhl


Jacob Huhn


Jacob Vostad


Sophomore Senators


Augustus Fink


Jonothon Schock


Karson Lindwurm


Garrett Richards


Aden Syverson



Niven Fernandes

International Senator

Ryan Cantz

Non-Traditional Senator

Patrick Winter

Veteran's Senator

Ben Lewis

Graduate Student Senator

Your campus. Your voice.