Community Standards

Community Standards promotes being a positive member of our community by educating students about policies and procedures, holding students accountable for their actions, and providing students intentional interventions and sanctions.

Policies & Sanctioning

As a student at South Dakota Mines, you are responsible for abiding by policies provided by the SD Board of Regents (BOR), the university, and specific departments/areas as applicable to your situation. As such, it is important for you to be familiar with where policies are posted. The following information and links provide you access to policies which govern your conduct as South Dakota Mines students.

Alcohol and Drug Policy
Residence Life adheres to the SDBOR Alcohol and Drug Policy found in the South Dakota BOR Code of Conduct which states the following is prohibited: The unauthorized manufacture, sale, possession, use, or consumption of alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances by students...The unauthorized possession of any drug paraphernalia.  

Rocker Square I/II are designated as an upper-division residence hall where alcohol may be possessed and used in a lawful manner by students who are 21 years of age or older in their living quarters once approved by Residence Life. Students under the age of 21 in Rocker Square I/II are subject to the SDBOR Alcohol and Drug policy and may not possess, use, or consume alcohol in Rocker Square I/II. 

Please note that being in the presence of alcohol in Palmerton, Connolly, Peterson, and Placer is considered a violation of the South Dakota BOR alcohol policy. Containers with the original purpose of containing or holding alcohol are not permitted in Palmerton, Connolly, Peterson, and Placer.

Weapons are regulated by the SD BOR Code of Conduct and the South Dakota Mines Weapons Policy. Per these policies, possession of the following is prohibited on campus premises or institutional events: firearms, stun guns, tasers, BB guns, switchblade knives, fixed blade knives with a blade length of five (5) inches or greater, fireworks, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any item that is designed or used to injure or harm another person. Exceptions to this policy vary -- please see the South Dakota Mines Weapons Policy for further details.

Please use our online Advocate Reporting program to report all concerns including academic integrity issues, conduct charges, or general student issues/concerns. Community Standards will follow-up on each issue reported. Please Note: This form may be completed anonymously. If this is an emergency situation, please call 911. If this is an immediate student concern, please contact Public Safety or the Community Standards Office.

Submit an Advocate Online Report Here

We are committed to the safety and security of our students and employees. South Dakota Mines Public Safety personnel regularly monitor the campus and work closely with the Rapid City Police Department in enforcing community, state, and federal laws, in addition to providing education and prevention programs. In an effort to ensure you have the most accurate information to help make a decision about your safety and to understand the statistics, policies, fire and crime reporting, procedures, services, prevention efforts, educational programs, and resources available to you, check out our annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report | 2023-2024.

High standards of academic honesty and intellectual integrity are essential to the success of our students and the institution. The campus community will not tolerate acts of dishonesty in any academic activities at South Dakota Mines. Such acts jeopardize not only the individual student, but also the integrity and dignity of the institution and its members. To report possible academic integrity issues, please complete the Advocate Online Report here.

For complete information about academic integrity policies and procedures, visit the Academic Integrity webpage.

The South Dakota Mines remains committed to the principle of free speech. South Dakota Mines is a public campus and we uphold the rights guaranteed in the First Amendment to all Americans. We believe free speech is vital for the advancement of new ideas and new knowledge, which is the goal of all higher education.  

BOR Free Speech policy

Illegally Downloading

  • 1st violation: Student must remove all illegal material from their computer, remove all downloading software, and demonstrate all materials have been removed.
  •  2nd violation: Choice of presentation, personal reflection paper, or $100 fine; student conduct probation for one full semester; student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS Department upon request.
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine or thirty hours of community service, counseling session, and possible loss of computer access or suspension. Student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS department upon request.

Tobacco Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and personal reflection paper
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine and one semester student conduct probation
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, possible suspension from residential housing for one semester, and counseling assessment

Alcohol Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and completion of educational sanction
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of a brief alcohol assessment with counseling center staff (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one semester student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, possible suspension for minimum of one semester, and possible alcohol counseling

Drug and Controlled Substances Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine, completion of educational sanction, and possible parental notification
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of counseling assessment of at least 2 sessions (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one year student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, and suspension for minimum of one semester 

Academic Integrity Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: Probation for one full semester
  • 2nd violation: Educational sanction with charge of $100,  student conduct probation for two full semesters
  • 3rd violation: Suspension for one full semester

Other Violation

  • The University reserves the right to fine for any student conduct violations. Fines will be determined by the Director of Community Standards and/or the hearing officers involved in the case.
  •  A full list of possible sanctions can be found in the Student Code of Conduct


Have more questions?

Contact Bryce, Director of Residential Education & Community Standards