Sponsored Programs - FAQ

How do I start a proposal?

The Office of Sponsored Programs is here to assist you with your proposal submission. The link below provides detailed instructions on how to find funding and submit a proposal.
South Dakota Mines Instructions for New Researchers

What is the difference between equipment and supplies?

Equipment is considered an item with a net cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year.  Any project materials that do not fall under the definition of equipment is considered supplies.  Any single piece of equipment totaling $35,000 or more requires the completion of a Major Scientific Equipment Acquisition Plan.  An assembly of components each costing less than $5,000 is considered a piece of equipment if they are functioning as if they were one item. EXAMPLE: The Examiner consists of a Reader (cost = $3,000), a Scanner (cost = $2,500), an Analyzer (cost - $4,500). When assembled the Examiner's net cost = $10,000 (3,000 + 2,500 + 4,500) and it can function for 5 or 10 years. This is a piece of equipment even though no single component cost more than $5,000.  Any project materials that do not fall under the definition of equipment is considered supplies.

What is F&A?

F&A is Facilities and Administrative costs. It is also known as overhead or indirect costs. F&A costs are costs incurred that cannot be readily associated with a single project, such as facilities operations, utilities, administrative salaries, library costs, etc.
South Dakota Mines uses a federally negotiated F&A rate that applies to all types of proposals. Some awards do not allow F&A charges, or may limit the percentage of F&A allowed. In these cases, the difference between our negotiated rate and the actual amount charged is considered cost sharing. South Dakota Mines does not waive F&A charges unless it is required by the project guidelines.

What is cost sharing?  What resources are available for cost sharing?

Cost sharing, or matching, are funds that are contributed to the project by the university or a third party. South Dakota Mines does not contribute cost sharing funds unless it is required by the project guidelines.

Cost sharing sources can be cash or in-kind support.  Cost sharing funds must be:

  • non federal funds-cannot use funds from other federal awards
  • documentable/verifiable
  • not already committed to another project
  • expended during the project period

Cost sharing must be approved by the department chair and OSP. Sources of cost sharing include:

  • unallowed F&A charges (not allowed or reduced by the funding guidelines)
  • effort-faculty can typically cost share up to 25% of their time for research projects
  • departmental funds-usually from the department's portion of F&A received from funded projects
  • third party contributions-must be documented by a commitment letter from the sponsor 

How Do I Calculate Cost Estimates for Fiscal Year Proposal Budgets?

Click here to download OSP Cost Estimates for South Dakota Mines Proposal Budgets (pdf).

Further Assistance

For assistance or questions regarding Sponsored Programs please contact one of the people below to assist you:

Aga, Karmen - Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Vock, Kharla - Grant Specialist I (Sub-Awards and Contracts)
Reid, Sharon - Contracting Officer III (Effort Certification) 
Castro, Liana - Grant Specialist I
Matson, Jan - Grant Specialist I (Pre-awards)
Schell, Sherry - Grant Specialist I