Allowable Charges 

Depending on the funding source there are multiple regulations associated with the performance of a proposal. These regulations dictate what are and are not allowable costs associated with the grant from that particular funding source's point of view. Also complicating matters is the need to follow South Dakota purchasing, travel and other administrative regulations.  

In general, the Principle Investigator (PI) on the grant should already be aware of what is and is not allowable on their grant but there are times when a PI determines that it is necessary to spend grant funds in a manner different then what was mutually agreed upon in the award in order to accomplish the goal of the proposal.

In these instances, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is available to answer questions about whether or not a particular cost or expense is allowable under a particular grant and funding source and/or what sort of approval is needed in order to change the award to allow for the new expense. In many cases this will involve approval in writing from the funding source to change the budget of the award.  Once this approval is obtained then OSP can adjust the budget in BANNER to reflect the revised award. Spending cannot occur in BANNER if there are not funds available in a budget line so this approval is absolutely essential.