It Is Rocket Science - Physics
We've all heard the phrase, "it's not rocket science," but in our case, IT IS!
Join our Physics department as they work to discover the secrets of the time-space continuum (and more)...
Physics is the foundation of science. Every other field builds upon its concepts and principles. If you know physics, you know how to model and predict a system. If you can predict a system, you can control it. In other words, physics teaches you how to control the universe!!! Muhahahah.... "ahem", uh, as I was saying;
In this day camp we'll explore some of the many fields of physics, from Newtonian mechanics and the physics of weather systems; to particle physics, neutrinos and the search for dark matter; to astrophysics. We will visit state-of-the art research laboratories, conduct our own experiments, and use what you learn to construct and launch your own rocket!
Enrollment Process
All prospective campers must complete the following items before their summer camp application will be complete.
- Submit the online registration
- Make full payment. Camper's spot will only be held for two weeks by registration unless payment is made
- Submit waivers
Camp Details
Grades: 8th-12th
June 9-12 or July 21-24, 2025
- Day Camp 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
- Lunch is provided
- Parent Reception Thursday 1 PM
- Registration fee - $300
Register Now
Cancellation Policy
To receive a refund, notice must be given to or 605-394-2414 with the cancelation 30 days before camp.
Have more questions?
For more information contact Admissions.