Lifelong Learning - Visitor Pass Program

The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology strongly promotes lifelong learning!
To provide the community with a lifelong learning opportunity without many of the hassles of regular university enrollment, we offer the Visitor Pass Program.
Through the Visitor Pass Program you can:
- learn JUST for the sake of learning
- learn without the pressure of completing assignments, projects or taking exams
- have the opportunity to learn at a reduced cost
- observe a university class on a space available basis
Registration Form Link to Self-Service Banner
Program Information
Guidelines for the Visitor Pass Program
To Participate You Must:
- Be a high school graduate or possess a GED
- Complete the Visitor Program form available online or at the Office of the Registrar.
- Sign up for class visitation two weeks prior to the class start date, (Visitors may participate in both graduate and undergraduate courses with the exception of laboratories) Download registration form.
- You can ‘visit' up to two courses per semester
- Check into parking permits, (additional information on parking is listed below)
- No proof of immunization needed!
Things to consider:
- You cannot be currently enrolled in courses offered by any of the six state regental institutions
- You cannot currently be under suspension or expulsion from any of the six state regental institutions
- You cannot have credit transcripted for a visited course through any validation means, e.g. CLEP, credit by exam, etc.
- Visitors will be bumped if the class fills with students who are taking the class for academic credit. Those registered last will be bumped first.
- Financial Aid is not available
How to Get Started
Form and Fee:
- Complete the Visitor Pass Program Form (click here) and submit it to the Office of the Registrar, room 201 in the O'Harra Bldg, (You do not have to provide proof of immunizations)
- The fee for the program is $100 a semester, per course, and is payable on the first day of the course or up to one week prior
- You will receive a photo id that will include your name, “Visitor Pass” designation, and the semester you are approved to attend. (Not applicable for library or wellness/fitness center admission)
- Parking a vehicle on campus requires a parking permit
- If the course you visit meets after 3:30 p.m., you do not need to purchase a parking permit; however, you must obtain a white permit from the Facility Services office. It must be displayed in the front window of your car and allows you to park in any non-resident parking after 3:30 p.m. (Facility Services is located in the Physical Plant.)
- If your class meets before 3:30 p.m., you must purchase a standard red permit, per semester. (Contact Facilities for further information: 605-394-2251)
- Respect the parking zones, fire-lanes and handicap parking
Full Refund If:
- You decide not to attend the class(es) within 10 calendar days of the start of the semester, there is a FULL refund*
- Bumped visitors WILL receive a full refund*
- The class is canceled due to low enrollment visitors WILL receive a full refund*
*If any of the circumstances listed above happen, you must surrender your ID card
at the Office of the Registrar.
- Respect the parking zones, fire lanes and handicap parking
- The pass does not permit use of the library or wellness/fitness center
- To earn credit you must subsequently register for the course, pay the required tuition and fees and meet all established requirements.
Office of the Registrar
O'Harra Building, Room 201
Phone Number: (605) 394-2400
Cameo Hovis