
Commencement Information for Students, Parents, and Guests
May 2025 Commencement Ceremony
Saturday, May 10, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. (MT)
The Monument Summit Arena444 Mount Rushmore Rd N.
Rapid City, SD 57701 Commencement Livestream Commencement Program
No tickets are needed and there is not a limit on the number of guests per graduate.
Future Commencement Date: TBD
* The dates above conform to information established by the South Dakota Board of Regents, but are subject to change at its discretion.

Important Information
Before Commencement
Commencement Regalia
- If you have not already done so, you must place your required regalia rental order with the Rocker Shop immediately! You may stop by the store to do so, or you can use this link:
- Rental regalia must be picked up no later than 4:30 p.m. the Friday before commencement.
- Rental regalia must be returned immediately after the commencement ceremony to the Rocker Shop booth located in the Theater lobby for December graduates and the Arena lobby for Spring graduates.
Disability Accommodations
- If you require disability accommodations for yourself or a guest, it is imperative that you let Amanda Lopez, Title IX and Accessibility Services Coordinator, know. Handicap-accessible seating is available.
Commencement Etiquette
- Out of courtesy to others, please ask guests to refrain from bringing noise-making instruments to the commencement.
- All graduating seniors should arrive by 8:00 a.m. and be in line by 8:30 a.m.
- At 9:00 am we will proceed to the Arena in a single file line according to the order in which you will receive your diploma as listed in the program. Please note that if you are receiving two degrees, you should line up in the major that appears first in the program alphabetically. Graduating students (A.A., B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) will be seated as indicated in a future e-mail. You will be directed to the stage at the appropriate time by an usher, one row at a time.
- Your mortarboard should be worn flat on your head, with the tassel on the right-hand side for associate’s and bachelor’s degree candidates. It will not be necessary to change your tassel as you go across the stage to receive your diploma cover; the President will instruct you to do so once you have received your diploma cover and all graduates have returned to their seats. Masters and Ph.D. students’ tassels are always on the left-hand side. Men should remove their caps for the presentation and removal of the flags.
- During the ceremony, graduates use their left hand to receive their diploma so that they can properly shake hands with and be congratulated by university representatives. As a result, graduates should not carry items (such as phones or cameras) with them when they walk to receive their diplomas and may have these items confiscated to ensure their safety.
- No dependents or guests are allowed in the graduate seating area or on stage. If you require medical assistance to walk across the stage, please contact Amanda Lopez, Title IX and Accessibility Services Coordinator to make arrangements.
- Neither alcohol nor any illegal substance is permitted in the student staging area at Commencement. A graduate who brings such substances or is suspected of being under the influence of them, will not be permitted to march at Commencement.
Final Check-out Responsibilities
All graduating students are responsible for completing the following steps before
leaving campus. Individual final transcripts and diplomas are held until all obligations
are met.
- All keys that you have checked out for access to any building or room must be returned to Facilities Services. If you live in the residence halls, you must return residence hall keys to the Office of Residence Life.
- All library books and rental books must be returned.
- Any equipment, books, or other materials which you may have borrowed from a department must be returned.
- Return tablet computer and accessories to Tablet Central no later than the Friday before commencement, unless other arrangements have been made with Bradley O’Brien ( or 394-2215).
- Any unpaid bills due to the business office, or any other department, must be paid in full.
- The South Dakota Mines email account set up for your use while you are a student will be discontinued several months after your departure. E-mail contact information that may extend into your post-graduation activities outside of this institution will be affected. Therefore, we advise you to establish a non-Mines account as soon as possible.
- Students who fail a course, fall short on credit hours or receive an “I” or “IP” grade will not receive their diplomas until the academic problems or deficiencies have been resolved.
Commencement is both a celebration of student success as well as a formal academic occasion and should be viewed as such in dress and demeanor. While the ceremony has no official dress code, the Commencement Committee encourages graduates to dress and act in a manner appropriate to it.
- Graduates are encouraged to dress business or business casual.
- Due to uneven surfaces, backstage wiring, and stage steps at the venue, graduates should avoid loose-fitting shoes (such as flip-flops) or shoes with stiletto heels.
- Academic robes and regalia have a long and distinguished history, and graduates are discouraged from altering them. Only University-sanctioned academic stoles and honor cords are allowed. A graduate whose regalia has been modified to be deemed distracting, offensive, or obscene by the Commencement Committee will not be permitted to march at Commencement.
- Please do not leave your rental regalia in the backstage area. The Rocker Shop will have a booth set up to check in your regalia rental, so you can return it immediately after the ceremony. Bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates will need to return the gown only. Ph.D. candidates will need to return the gown as well as the Ph.D. hood.
- Your official commencement photos will be taken by The Grad Team. You will see your proofs via email a few days after the ceremony. You can also view and order your portraits at
- No person is allowed to join a graduate on the stage during the Commencement ceremony, other than individuals providing approved ADA accommodation.
- A free video clip of your special moment on stage will be available after graduation at
Recent Graduates
Video Archives: YouTube Playlist
If you have questions about graduation, please contact or call (605) 394-2416.