Plan Your Education Abroad

South Dakota Mines students must have a 2.75 GPA to qualify for any education abroad experience.

Email the Ivanhoe International Center to get access to the D2L online checklists to start planning your education abroad experience and keep track of what you do.
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  • Connect with an advisor to get the inside scoop on programs that best match your personal, academic, and financial needs.
  • Connect with the Education Abroad Department Contacts below and other faculty in your department to let them know you are interested in an Education Abroad Experience.

Department Contacts

Department name
 Contact  Contact Info
Atmospheric Sciences

Biomedical Engineering Dr. Johnica Morrow
Business Management in Technology Dr. Ivy Allard
Chemical/Biological Engineering Dr. David Dixon
Chemistry, Biology, and Health Sciences Dr. Alevtina L. Smirnova
Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr. James Stone
Dr. Mengistu Geza Nisrani 
Computer Science/Computer Engineering Dr. Francis Akowuah 
Electrical Engineering Dr. Neha Choudhary 
Geology/Geological Engineering Dr. Nuri Uzunlar
Humanities/Social Sciences Dr. Gerrit Scheepers

Industrial Engineering Dr. Carter Kerk  
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering  Dr. Brett Carlson
Mathematics Dr. Patrick Fleming
Mechanical Engineering Dr. Albert Romkes
Mining Engineering and Management Dr. Kelli McCormick

Physics Dr. Matthias Plum
Registrar & Academic Services Ms. Diana Eastman


Explore Program Options

  • Keep track of the different programs you are exploring.
  • Education Abroad Options Matrix - this spreadsheet is an example of how to evaluate and keep track of different programs so you can find them again.
  • Items to help evaluate:
  • Country of interest
  • Language of instruction
  • Classes that interest you - choose more than you think you need.
  • Cost of the program, what is covered (room and board, excursions, transportation, etc.), and how much you can expect to spend while abroad.
  • Application deadlines
  • Length of Program (semester, trimester, summer, etc.)


Passport - start the application as early as possible

  • You must have a passport book, not a card
  • A passport card is only for Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda for land border crossings or sea ports of entry.
  • A passport card can be used as ID for domestic flights. It cannot be used for international air travel.

Next Steps

Apply to the program you want.

Required Documents for South Dakota Mines:

  1. Download, complete, and return the program checklist and academic credit to the Ivanhoe International Center
  2. Program Checklist
  3. Long Term - Longer than two months
  4. Short Term - Shorter than two months
  5. Academic Credit Form - Want Credit for the classes you are taking? Complete this form with your advisor
  6. Once you have completed the academic credit form, upload it here.

Visit the Financial Aid Office to determine if your aid will cover your education abroad.

Once accepted, upload a copy of your admission letter.

Health insurance is REQUIRED - If you have questions or are unsure how to proceed, talk to someone in the Ivanhoe International Center.

Enrollment (Choose one of the two options below.)

  1. Health Insurance (Rocker Central login required.)
  2. Program Specific Insurance - KEI, AIFS, ISA, host institution
  3. Health Insurance Received? - Upload a copy here.
  4. For CISI - SD BOR Insurance
  5. Log in to your portal and download the app for your convenience.
  6. For Program Specific Insurance - send a copy to

Once you have these steps completed, we will send you the link to the D2L pre-departure orientation.