Exams and Testing

The South Dakota Mines Student Success Center is ready to help you find academic and other resources to make you a more successful student.
For Accuplacer testing, accommodated testing for classes, and testing for make-up exams, contact the Testing Center Coordinator, Julie McGeary.
Final Exams

Earn College Credit Through Examination
If you are planning to use the SDSMT Testing Center for your CLEP, please do not register through College Board until you have communicated with the Testing Center and confirmed that you can be scheduled. CLEP test takers are advised at this time to use the remote proctoring service (proctored by College Board/CLEP) instead of the SDSMT Testing Center.
What is CLEP?
CLEP is the College-Level Examination Program, which allows Mines students to earn a limited number of credits toward their college degree requirements. CLEP offers general exams and subject exams. Subject exams measure achievement in specific college subjects and are used to grant credit for specific college courses.
South Dakota Mines accepts most, but not all, CLEP exams for credit. For SDBOR accepted CLEP exams: CLEP Guidelines
Should you try it?
CLEP examinations are designed for those individuals who have already done extensive study in a particular area or excelled in honors courses in high school in a particular subject. Several freshman and sophomore-level courses may be challenged using the CLEP Subject Examinations. A student should consult with a department head or the registrar regarding applicability of the credit toward a degree. A large majority of colleges accept CLEP credit, but required scores vary.
CLEP exams cost approximately $95 each.
Proctoring fees cost approximately $30.
CLEP Scores
Minimum scores are posted on the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) website – visit their “Recognition of Other College Credits Earned” webpage. CLEP Guidelines.
SDBOR Policies regarding applicability of credit are on the SDBOR web site, Policy, item 11.
CLEP scores should be sent directly from College Board to your college/institution.
If interested, what do you do next?
If you are interested in CLEP testing, contact Coy Speer before you register to check on testing center availability, correct CLEP test, and proctoring options. Please email Julie McGeary.
South Dakota Mines is a Pearson VUE Test Site
South Dakota Mines is Pearson VUE test site for the following tests: NCEES exam (Fundamentals of Engineering or FE).
NCEES Testing: FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) Exam
In order to register for the FE Exam, candidates must FIRST go to the South Dakota Board of Technical Professions website – and complete the state registration form. Once registered with the state, candidates should go to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website to formally register for the exam. Once registered with NCEES, there will be a direct link provided to Pearson VUE where registration for a specific test site and test date may be completed.
NCEES candidates can learn more about the test, as well as register and schedule by
logging into MyNCEES (www.ncees.org)
Note: Registration and scheduling are not available through test centers.
More About the FE Exam:
FE Exam has been administered as a six-hour computer-based test. The test will be administered several times monthly on Mondays and Fridays. Tests are given specific to the following disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Other Engineering Disciplines.
Candidates are encouraged to carefully review the NCEES website for information about the FE Exam. An NCEES Examination Guide is available for free online download, as is the FE Reference Handbook; the FE Reference Handbook may also be purchased in hard copy. Discipline-specific computer-based practice examinations may also be purchased. If you have the former hard-copy FE Exam Study Guide, it may have some utility in assisting with preparation for the test but is not specifically designed as preparation for the current test.
On exam day, test candidates may only take an NCEES-approved calculator into the test room. A copy of the FE Reference Handbook will be provided on the test computer, and erasable boards will be provided for notes and calculations. Pencils, paper, notes, and other related items are not allowed in the test room. Candidates should bring an approved form of picture identification that looks as the candidate currently does – if the candidate has a beard or a significantly different haircut than the picture on the ID, it is recommended that a new ID be procured, as a photograph of the candidate will be taken and provided to NCEES along with a copy of the ID. If the photo and the ID are not easily recognizable as the same individual, issues could arise. Candidates should arrive at least 30 minutes early to their exam to allow time for check-in procedures. NCEES candidates are strongly encouraged to bring a lunch.
If you have specific questions, please contact your Department Test Representative, Department Head, or the Testing Coordinator.
About Pearson VUE
Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centre Selects are privately owned, third-party testing facilities which are authorized by Pearson VUE to deliver on-site, on-demand testing for IT certification, academic admission and professional licensure exams. They have been carefully selected for their quality, service and amenities, which is upgraded to incorporate advanced security and surveillance technology.
Proctoring Exams for SD Mines Students
Testing Center Coordinator: Julie McGeary
Contact: Julie.McGeary@sdsmt.edu
South Dakota Mines Testing Center offers its services to Mines students as space permits.
All students asking to use the Mines Testing Center for the proctoring of online exams
are required to meet with and obtain a signature from the Testing Center. There is no implied guarantee that your exams will be able to be proctored by the
Mines Testing Center, as space is extremely limited.
The student is responsible for ensuring that appropriate contact and proctoring forms,
if necessary, are sent from the school to the Testing Center Coordinator, a minimum
of three business days in advance of the student’s desired testing date.
The Testing Advisor is not responsible for acquisition of testing materials or Internet
logins or passwords. As a part of the arrangement between the student and their school,
required materials are sent by the school directly to the Testing Advisor via mail
or email.
Test Day Reminders
Photo ID:
Remember to bring your photo ID. Students without a photo ID will not be permitted to take the test.
Acceptable Photo ID:
- Student ID
- Driver's License or government-issued ID card
- Passport
Prohibited Items:
All items not allowed for an exam will be stored in a locker in the testing center.
Need Testing help or information?
Contact Julie McGeary /Testing Center Coordinator
South Dakota Mines Testing Center
Devereaux Library, Room 310
South Dakota Mines
501 E. St. Joseph St.
Rapid City, SD 57701