Accommodation Process

Accessibility Services works with students with disabilities to identify accommodations that will allow equal access to programs and services. The process is designed to be collaborative. 

Admission to South Dakota Mines

Admission decisions are made without regard to disability. All prospective students, including students with disabilities, are expected to present academic credentials at or above the minimum standards for admission. For further details regarding the admissions process, please visit the Admissions section of our website.

Self-disclose Disability 

Once a student has been accepted to Mines, the student must register with and disclose their disability to the Office of Accessibility Services to be considered for services and accommodations. 

Student Request for Accommodation Form


It is the student's responsibility to obtain and provide appropriate documentation to substantiate their disability. Documentation requirements vary according to the unique and individual nature of each student's disability. To ensure proper documentation is submitted, please email for guidelines.

Disability documentation should include, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Demonstration of comprehensive assessments and evaluations, using adult scales, conducted by an appropriately credentialed professional
  • Clear statement of the current impact of the disability on major life functions and the functional limitations in an educational environment
  • Background information including pertinent and relevant histories - academic, family, developmental, medical, psychosocial, treatment, therapy, interventions, and accommodations
  • Specific diagnosis with accommodation recommendations
  • Signature and contact information of the diagnostician including the mailing address, telephone number, and email address.